Tag Archives: Recovery

How To Relieve Lower Back Injury/Pain

Just a bit ago I was talking to someone about their lower back injury. I realised that many a times people seem to focus (myself included) on what exercises to do to relieve the tension or to rest more and so on. But they never seem to get the right balance and acknowledge the fact that even minor lower back injuries can take 2-4 months for a full recovery.

A simple pull in the lower back caused by lifting something heavy can take few weeks to get better but sometimes if someone doesn’t recovery fully from their first injury it could cause a relapse but a 3 fold one in this instance. Thus being a more prolonged case now. I.e. although minor problem (no operation necessary) it is has a longer recovery period.

A 2-4 month period of stretches and light weight exercises would need to be carried out 3-4 times a week whilst taking anti-inflammatory medication or supplements or changing your diet (if you’re a natural remedy type of person) by incorporating regular anti-inflammatory types of food in your meals and so on.

We need to understand that the lower back requires multiple forms of treatment and one is not better than the other. Rather they complement each other i.e. taking anti-inflammatory medication whilst relaxing for the first week will help relieve the inflammation and calm it down excessively.

Thereafter if you continue taking the supplements and start your stretches (usually physiotherapists can help by telling you which exercises and stretches will help alleviate the pain) you’ll see that your mobility has increased extensively and the pain gradually diminishes.

I’d say the 5 things you should do is the following:

1. Rest but not for too long – it depends on the magnitude of the injury.

2. Take anti-inflammatory medication, supplements or foods.

3. Carry out stretches and light weight exercises.

4. You MUST acknowledge that it will take some time to recover (relapse is a no go zone, it’ll be worse the second time round) and let it recover fully- not when you think it’s MUCH better 😉 .

5. Lastly be patient, and make sure you see a physio and follow your physiotherapist’s instruction but ask them pertinent questions and make sure you find out exactly what is wrong or else you’ll just be a sheep.

Remember guys making regular dua (supplication) is a key element in recovery. May God Bless Y’all…